James Bond
Genre- The genre for this film is action, i can tell this by the props that are used. In one of the first frames, the main protagonist(James Bond) is pointing a gun, this signifies that he is involved in some sort of conflict. Near the beginning of the opening, blood drips down the screen as a transition, this also has connotations of some kind of battle.

Narrative- As there is guns and blood in the opening, this signifies that the film is based around a battle and it is likely that there is going to be a fight at some point. There is also many shots of a woman, this could signify that there is a love affair in the film.
Character- At the beginning of the film opening you see the main character(James Bond), for the rest of the opening you see a woman. This could be the main protagonists lover or possibly his sidekick.
James Bond seems to be quite formal, he is wearing a suit which makes him come across as very professional.
Atmosphere- From the opening the atmosphere of this film seems to be quite dark. The blood at the beginning of the opening gives the a sinister moodal tone.
Themes- the main highlighted themes of this film are conflict and love. The use of a gun has connotations of conflict, especially the fact that the main protagonist is pointing it. The theme of love could come from the woman that is in the opening. She is surrounded by fire a few times which could have connotations of passion.
Setting- The background of the film opening is black, There is a lot of fire which gives a glowing effect around the main images/objects in the opening.
sound- At the start of the opening there is a gun shot sound effect, this signifies that the gun is going to possibly fired during the film. The music in the background is quite fast at times which suggests that the film could be quite fast paced at times which gives off more of an idea that this is an action film. The words in the song are "live and let die", this suggests that someone may die in the film.
Titles- The titles in the film are quite basic, the font is all capitals and white. The fact that they are white means that they can stand out against the background.
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