Monday 8 February 2016

My best friends wedding analysis

My best friends wedding analysis

The genre for this film is romance, the whole opening links to love and weddings. This is shown through the mise en scene in the opening. The main protagonist is wearing a wedding dress and the other three characters a wearing what looks like bridesmaid’s dresses, they are all matching and therefore they could be representing a bride and her bridesmaids. In terms of props bouquets of flowers and an engagement ring have been used.

The narrative for the film is quite clearly linked to a wedding, the characters within the opening seem to be involved with the wedding (bride and bridesmaids).

Within the film it is likely that there will be a bride and some bridesmaids, the characters in the opening could be the characters in the whole film or they could be a representation of the characters.

The mood of the film will more than likely be upbeat and quite happy, I can tell because the characters are very happy in the way that they are dancing and through their facial expressions.

The film has themes of love and marriage. The whole opening is about love and ‘how to get a man’. The wedding theme is shown through the mise en scene within the opening.

The opening Is set in a pink room; the room is quite bland which makes you notice the other hints such as the wedding dress etc. The fact that the room is pink has connotations of love and romance.

The sound within the film opening is a non diegetic soundtrack, the song is very upbeat. It is all about ‘how to get a man’ and gives the whole opening a happy, romantic tone.

The font of the titles in the opening look like the font that would be used on wedding invitations. This links back to the wedding theme.

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