Monday 8 February 2016

The difference between a title sequence a trailer.

The difference between a title sequence and a trailer

A title sequence is a scene or few scenes at the start of the film that give recognition to the main cast and production members. The titles are superimposed on top of the scene/s. its important that the scenes are still clear to see as it is the start of the film. The title sequence often gets mixed up with the credits, however they are completely different things. The credits name everyone involved in the film and are at the end and the title sequence is at the start and only names the main few.

A trailer includes a montage of clips from the film that is advertising. It doesn’t give away too much, however it gives enough information so that viewers get an idea of the genre and the narrative. Sometimes the trailer lists a few of the main cast but not always. A trailer has a limited amount of time as it has to be able to fit in between TV shows etc. It is made for advertisement purposes. At the end of the trailer there will be information about when the film is coming out.

Researching into the differences between a film opening and a trailer has helped me because now I won't mixed up between the two when I am creating my own film opening.

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