Thursday 21 April 2016

film analysis (watchmen)


Genre- the genre of this film is action/ super hero. I can tell this by the costumes that are worn in the film opening. The main protagonists are wearing superhero costumes. The use of weapons signify that this is an action film.

Narrative- The narrative of this film is based around superhero. In the opening you see how the superheroes go from being loved to be ing taken down/killed. One of the superhero retired and hd a family, however, some of the others weren't as lucky and were killed before they had the chance to settle down.

Character- The main protagonists in the film are the superheroes, there is also someone that is trying to take them down. We don't actually get a clear image of who the main antagonist is however we see many other people in the opening who are against that superheroes. Some of the superhero settle down however, some of the others are killed. The whole opening is of their lives being documented in the newspapers so that signifies that the superheroes are public figures.

Atmosphere- The atmosphere of the film opening is quite sinister. The audience is routing for the superheroes as at the start of the opening they were seen to be helping the world and then at the end of the opening they were being killed off.

Themes- The main theme throughout this film is change, within the first few minutes of the film the audience are shown a time capsule of the past few years and how so much had already changed. Not only were the heroes not wanted, they were also being killed.

Sound- The whole way through the opening the song "the times they are changing" is being played, this fits in with the narrative and signifies again to the audience that the narrative is about how much things are changing. There is also gun shot sound effects at the start of the opening, this also adds to the fact that one of this fits genres is action. The whole way through the opening the sound of an old fashioned camera is played, this puts emphasis on the fact that the superheroes lives are being documented.

Titles- The titles in the opening are yellow, this suits the whole colour scheme of the opening, however, it also looks like the writing from a comic.This ties together the fact that this film is a superhero movie.

This analysis has helped me because I now realise how much need to be considered when making a film opening and how you can use certain, font, colours and other features to signify different things.

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