Thursday 14 April 2016

Jelly baby activity

For the Jelly baby activity we had to re-create a film opening idea using jelly babies. We could use them as the characters or we could cut them up and use them for the props/set.

The film opening that we created was thought up specially for this activity. It was a comedy horror.

some of our characters had to have quite dramatic wounds, one of them had a knife sticking in them. To create this we used part of pen lid and stuck it in the jelly baby. the other characters had huge cuts and scars, to create this we cut parts of the jelly babies off, and then pushed them together again.

For some of the shots we would have just their feet walking along. To create this we cut the top half of the jelly babies off and just had the bottom half's together.

On the post-it notes we wrote the time (in seconds) and the title that would appears at that time. We also wrote down brief descriptions of what was going on in each shot.

This activity has helped us because it made us start thinking about potential film openings that we could create, it also made us think about the certain conventions that we would need to include in the genre that we were working in.

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