Thursday 21 April 2016

Generic conventions of different genres.


  • relatable characters
  • relatable narrative
  • naturalistic lighting
  • presents real life situations
  • exhibits the characters progression in some kind of journey(usually emotional)
  • conflict
  • climax/anti climax
  • happy ending (most of the time)
An example of a drama film that follows almost all of these conventions is Cast Away.
  • Blood and gore 
  • weapons
  • good vs evil
  • low key lighting
  • tension building music
  • death
  • the main protagonist is generally either the victim or the hero or the movie.
A horror film that follows most of these conventions is Saw.
  • bright colours
  • high key lighting(some times)
  • the 'dumb' character
  • camera angles make all characters equal
  • funny diegetic dialogue
  • upbeat music 
  • occasionally slapstick props are used
A comedy that follows all of these conventions is Grown Ups.

  • Weapons
  • fast cars 
  • The main protagonist is often male
  • intense music
  • non- diegetic sound effects (gun shot, smashed glass etc.)
  • explosives
  • high and low angles used to show the hierarchy of importance 
  • naturalistic or low key lighting mainly used.
An action movie that follows these conventions is James Bond Spectre.

This research has helped me think about what conventions my film opening may need when I make it.

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